Squishy Human Body


3 in stock

SKU: A-0105 Category:


We’ve seen a few anatomy kits before, but this one made our hearts beat faster. This fun anatomy kit is so neat kids can’t wait to get started! “Touch" adds to the mystery, and kids demonstrate an amazing understanding of anatomy.

Touchable firm bones, muscles and squishy organs are mesmerizing. The 12-inch clear double-sided body exterior makes it easy to put parts in place, see clearly their proximity to one another, and consider how they work together in bodily function. Included tweezers and forceps add to the element of fun as kids practice their surgical savvy in removing and placing the 21 removable body parts. This super fun kit generates many questions. An excellent learning toy!

This human anatomy set with its precisely designed parts provides hands-on exploration of how the parts fit together to make the amazing human body. A chart is included, labeling the body parts for easy identification. Kids also find fascination in the book “Insides Out” amazing pictures, true science -like learning how nine organs work together to digest food, fun facts, and clever activities written by a research physician.

Perfect for kids who want to learn about the human body or want to be a doctor. Ideal for kids who are always asking questions. Right on track for anyone who would like to pretend to be a surgeon and remove floppy, squishy body organs.

Squishy Human Body"

  • Hands-on exploration of human anatomy
  • Explore complex inner workings of human body
  • 12-inch tall human body model
  • 21 removable textural body parts; bones, muscles & organs
  • Tweezers & forceps to remove body parts
  • Clear durable plastic exterior of human body
  • Exterior snaps together easily; holds body parts securely together
  • Designed for repeat play – take apart & reassemble again & again
  • Chart to identify each organ & a tray to organize organs
  • 32-page illustrated book written by a research physician & teacher
  • Book sections include everything from the cells to the major organs
  • A nice model for display on a bookshelf

Additional information

Weight 1.55 lbs


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